Anime High School Girl is a simulation game where you accompany a Japanese girl while she spends her days at school. That is to say, you go to school with her each day, where you're tasked with completing missions and solving each situation you're presented with.
Anime High School Girl has simple controls, so you can move through each part of the school without any issues. To move your protagonist, use the virtual joystick to advance in any direction through the scenario. You can also slide your finger over any part of the interface to rotate the camera in 3D.
Keep in mind that the story in Anime High School Girl is divided into chapters. This means you'll have to solve each mission before you're able to move on to the next ones. For example, during the first days of school, you'll have to attend class or go to the cafeteria to eat a delicious breakfast.
Anime High School Girl places you in the shoes of an Asian high school student during the hours she attends school. In this educational institution, you'll go on all kinds of adventures as you try to complete all the missions you're presented with. This game also includes striking 3D graphics and a lively soundtrack to keep you engaged as you play.
Requirements (Latest version)
- Android 5.0 or higher required
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